
Exclusive Interview: Steve Passwaiter Dives into the Implications of the $11.1B 2024 Election Ad Spend on Leading Local Insights Podcast
The 2024 elections are shaping up to be a spending extravaganza unlike anything we’ve seen before, with a predicted $11.1 billion in political ad spend. What does it all mean for the future of our elections?

NAB Challenges Constitutionality Of FCC’s Form 395-B
The NAB has filed a Petition for Partial Reconsideration with the FCC around the reinstatement of staff diversity data collection, calling into question whether some aspects infringe on broadcasters’ First and Fifth Amendment rights.
Mergers & Acquisitions
Deal Digest: Bustos Media Exits Redding Market
Radio Santisimo Sacramento has filed a deal to buy regional Mexican “La Maquina 92.1” KZTZ from Bustos Media, which will exit the Redding, CA market with the sale.
JKO Media Sets Plans For Terre Haute Acquisitions
Joey & Kelsey O’Rourke’s JKO Media have begun operating DLC Media’s three Terre Haute IN stations ahead of the closing of their $875,000 purchase.
RAB: Why Digital-Only Advertisers Should Add Radio To The Mix.
For whatever reasons advertisers choose to buy only digital media – whether it's not understanding the power of broadcast radio, looking for an audience outside of a radio station's target demographic, the need for a visual element, or the perceived inability to measure the effectiveness of radio ads – there are arguments to address all of these.
Religious Broadcasters: CRB ‘Backpedaling’ On Rate Decision, Want Supreme Court To Step In
The National Religious Broadcasters Noncommercial Music License Committee is pushing back against the Copyright Royalty Board’s defense of its streaming rate decision.
FCC Focused On Disaster Communications As Busy Hurricane Season Expected.
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration forecasts the upcoming hurricane season, which officially began June 1, will be among the most active in recent years. It is not just radio that is gearing up.
Federal Election Commission Chief Asks FCC To Delay Any AI Rules For Radio, TV.
A Washington turf fight has broken out over proposals to regulate the use of political advertising in radio and television political ads.