
Local Advertisers Are Allocating More Ad Dollars With Connected TV
With cable television losing subscribers and viewers. Car dealerships, small retailers and even political candidates are looking at local CTV to reach consumers/voters.

The Many Moving Parts of the Transition to NextGen TV
Broadcasters await the results of the ‘Future of TV’ task force and a 1.0 sunset
Mergers & Acquisitions
Madhive Acquires Frequence In A Push For Local Omnichannel Budgets
Ad tech M&A is heating up again – specifically in connected TV land.
Fox Gives Linear TV Buying a Boost With Data-Driven Offering
Today, Fox Networks announced that it’s utilizing DatafuelX to provide optimized data-driven linear (DDL) media plans.
The Radio Experience: Keeping It Fun And Entertaining
These days, it’s all about the experience.
Whether it’s retail or even B-to-B, businesses and organizations know they need to provide a memorable experience. That’s what keeps customers in any type of business coming back again and again.
Pay TV
How Much Live Sports Dominated Cable TV Ratings in 2023-24
Logo text ESPN ran a promotional campaign in the mid-2000s called “Without Sports” that posited the world would be less interesting and less connected in the absence of athletic competition (and, of course, ESPN’s exhaustive coverage of it).
FCC Brings Back Radio Duplication Rule
The FCC’s Democratic majority, voting on party lines, has agreed to reinstate a portion of the radio duplication rule originally repealed in 2020.
FCC Adopts New Rules For Leased Airtime, Giving Stations Two Options, Disclosure Templates
The Federal Communications Commission has approved new rules that will require stations to secure documentation when leasing airtime that a programmer does not have foreign government connections.
Fall Preview: $252M In Ad Time Reserved For Congressional Races In Past Three Weeks
The Presidential race gets all the media attention, but down-ballot races are where local radio stations get most of their political dollars.