
New Studies Show Radio Makes The Difference In Ad Campaigns
There’s more research making the case for marketers using AM/FM radio, including one study touting the many advantages of including vs. excluding the medium in ad buys, as reported in Westwood One’s weekly blog.

Mobile Broadcasting: Let’s Not Put The Cart Before The Horse
ATSC’s Madeleine Noland: While some are intrigued by the possibilities of 5G Broadcast, there are too many caveats for it to leapfrog over ATSC 3.0.
Mergers & Acquisitions
Salem Media Group Exits Honolulu with Six Station Sale
Salem Media Group has sold its six remaining Honolulu radio stations and two translators to the Oahu-based Malama Media Group.
'NextGen TV' transition plan will hit obstacles, but likely to win FCC approval
A proposal for a US broadcaster transition to ATSC 3.0 is likely to secure FCC approval, but it will face strong pushback from the consumer electronics industry, pay-TV operators and consumer advocates, an analyst warns.
Three-Minute Rule Brings Higher Listening Levels In All Markets.
Nielsen may be like an aircraft carrier in its slow turns, but in less than eight months from inception to implementation, it brought the three-minute rule to radio measurement.
Radio's Personality Dilemma
Earlier this month, we began to dig into the findings from our 21st annual Techsurvey comprised of nearly 25,000 core listeners to commercial radio here in the U.S.
New Data on Political Advertising Shows Growing Importance of CTV Ads
As political strategists prepare for the 2026 and 2028 U.S. elections, a new study highlights some of the trends, particularly the growth of CTV political advertising and programmatic advertising, that will be reshaping political advertising in the next few years.
Analyst: Slowing Growth To Continue For U.S. Advertising
Less free trade. Fewer foreign workers. “An increased reliance on the idiosyncratic preferences of the president rather than the more predictable institutionally-driven policy-making processes businesses have historically relied upon in the United States.”