
Economic Pulse: BIA’s Monthly Quick Take for July 2023
...the significant increase in travel this summer speaks to the confidence Americans have in their current financial situations which has massive implications on the economy and Local Advertising spend.

AI And The Future Of Local TV News
With its seemingly boundless applications for news, AI is likely to deepen the divide between best-in-class and worst-in-class station owners. The better ones will recognize its capacity to augment and expand their reporting capacities.

Dealing with the Deluge of FAST
When it comes to evaluating the latest developments in what is now perhaps the fastest growing segment of TV, the rapidly evolving world of FAST (free-ad-supported TV) is proving to be a moving target.
Mergers & Acquisitions
California AM-Translator Sold; EMF Buys FM At The Jersey Shore
MICHAEL ALAN DAY's CROSS & CROWN BROADCASTING CORPORATION is selling Classic Country KTNK-A-K279CY/LOMPOC, CA to TODD NIXON's STICKS MEDIA, LLC for $150,000 ($5,000 down, $30,000 at closing, $115,000 in a promissory note) plus a time brokerage agreement before closing.
The Challenges Facing Local TV Marketers
Local TV news marketers may have one of the toughest jobs in television — getting viewers to watch their traditional linear newscasts on their TV channel. What can work and what can be done to stop the drain?
Nexstar Seeks Next-Generation Audience Measurement Partner
Recently appointed VP of Measurement Innovation Hanna Gryncwajg will lead the effort.
Beasley CEO: The Broadcast Industry Is ‘Somewhat Challenged.’
Beasley Media Group CEO Caroline Beasley addressed issues facing the Beasley Media Group CEO Caroline Beasley addressed issues facing the broadcast industry, including the FCC’s Quadrennial Review and its impact on ownership caps, private equity investment in the industry (or the lack thereof), ad revenue, and AI at the Media Institute Luncheon in Washington, DC on Thursday.
The Airstaff Weighs In On AI
While there's always been a fear of technology and the health of the populace – remember, there were large factions of people convinced AM radio in cars was a distraction would lead to accident after accident – the fear of AI in virtually every quarter of society is palpable.
August Regulatory Dates for Broadcasters: Reg Fee Order, EEO filings, HD Power Increase Proposal, and More
August may be a light month for regulatory dates, as everyone enjoys the end of the summer with many, including Congress, taking the last of their summer vacations. But there are still dates to which broadcasters should be paying attention.
This Week in Regulation for Broadcasters: July 24 to July 28, 2023
Here are some of the regulatory developments of significance to broadcasters from the past week, with links to where you can go to find more information as to how these actions may affect your operations.
FCC Report 7/30: Operating From Unauthorized Site Leads To WTKP’s Cancellation
The FCC has cancelled the license of Omni Broadcasting’s 93.5 WTKP Port St. Joe FL (and its application to relocate into the Panama City market on 93.7 Youngstown and $225,000 sale to Divine Word Communications).