News Outlets Were Leaked Insider Material From The Trump Campaign. They Chose Not To Print It
Instead, Politico, The New York Times and The Washington Post have written about a potential hack of the campaign and described what they had in broad terms.
Local News Close-Up: California’s Capital Is a Vast and Varied Market
There’s long been a clear market leader in Sacramento-Stockton-Modesto, California, but KCRA’s rivals are trying a number of things to poach ratings points.
Samba TV: Nearly 60M U.S. Homes Watched the Olympics
Household viewing of the Paris games was up 11% compared to the Tokyo games, Samba TV reported
Radio is a Must to Reach Hispanics
According to new estimates released by the U.S. Census, the Hispanic population accounted for nearly 71% of total U.S. population growth. In 2023, Hispanics were the second largest group per this data.
CTA Forecasts 4 Million Radio Receivers Will Sell This Year.
Americans are still shelling out millions of dollars to buy home radio receivers. The Consumer Technology Association forecasts nearly 4.2 million units will be sold this year, and it projects sales of another 4.1 million next year.
FEC Appears Ready to Take a Pass on Regulating AI in Political Ads
The agenda for the Federal Election Commission’s August 15 Open Meeting was released last week, and it contains a proposed Notification of Disposition of the FEC’s review of a July 2023 petition for rulemaking filed by the advocacy group Public Citizen seeking to initiate a proceeding to address the use of Artificial Intelligence in campaign communications.
Gen Z Rules Streaming, But Is The Industry Ignoring Everyone Else?
Is the television industry overlooking a significant audience segment? While shows targeting Millennials and Gen X continue to perform well, the data suggests a clear shift in viewer preference, particularly among younger demographics.
Holiday Planning For Brands And Agencies Starts Right About...Now
When should marketers and agencies start planning for the holiday sales season? How about now?