
Lawmakers Need To Act To Halt The Erosion Of Access To Local TV News
Emily Barr: Access to local media on streaming platforms is getting more difficult and localism is getting squeezed out of media’s new world order. The FCC and Congress need to act before the damage becomes irreversible.

Time Spent With TV Advertising, Including Streaming, Forecast to Drop
"Low ad loads are likely a permanent feature of streaming, and low penetration rates of ad tiers will be common on many services," argues Brian Wieser, principal at Wall Street insights provider Madison and Wall.
Strengthened By Political, BIA Projects $175.6B In 2024 Local Advertising Marketplace Spending
The impact of the global economy is expected to keep most business categories down. Without the expected political bonanza, the increase for the U.S. Local Ad Forecast in 2024 is only 2.2%.
Propelled By Political, U.S. Ad Market To Jump 8.6% To $175.6 Billion.
Fueled by an influx of billions in political ad dollars, total media revenue in the U.S. will climb 8.6% to $175.6 billion in 2024, according to BIA Advisory Services.
Mergers & Acquisitions
Rocking M In Talks With Creditors About Sale Of Remaining Stations
Rocking M Media is now moving toward a sale of most of its remaining assets, according to court filings in Kansas City where the company sought chapter 11 protection from its creditors a year and a half ago.
End Of The Road For A New Radio Station Owner
Sixty-four months ago, a new entrant to radio ownership emerged thanks to a transaction that saw a buyer agree to pay $2.815 million for four FM radio stations in North Carolina and a pair of FMs in Muscatine, Iowa.
Can Radio Learn To Walk And Chew Gum At The Same Time?
Two weeks ago, I wrote a post that continues to reverberate. It was called “Radio People Know Why The Podcast World Is Upside-Down,” and it explored some of the sand traps the world of podcasting has encountered during the past couple years. One of my key points is the reality there's little research being done in the podcast space. And the lack of insights and knowledge is hindering podcasting's ability to grow – to learn from mistakes and to right the ship.
As TV's 18-34 Decline Continues, Radio Hangs Tough
One year after AM/FM audiences 18-34 surpassed that same demographic in television, radio continues to defy longstanding predictions.
FCC Expands Audio Description Requirements
The FCC last week, ahead of its Open Meeting, unanimously adopted rules that will expand the Commission’s audio description mandate.
What Lies Ahead for the Car Dealership?
Are we racing into the future or just cruising along? You may not think of a car dealership as MULO (multi-location) brands, but drive through commercial areas, and you’ll probably see one dealership after another. New cars, used cars, and luxury cars are all on display for consumers to browse, test drive, and buy.