
Economic Pulse: BIA’s Monthly Quick Take for March 2023
It’s been quite a month! Banks are getting bailed out and bought out, interest rates are continuing to rise, and Princeton made it to the Sweet 16! All this uncertainty has significant impact on Advertising spending (yes, even the Tigers’ Cinderella run). Let’s dive in here and try to unpack what’s going on and what it will mean for certain key verticals in the upcoming months.
ARF: Out With TV Households, In With TV-Accessible Households
Given the changing way people are watching television programming, the Advertising Research Foundation is calling on the TV industry to stop using TV households as the basis for measurement of TV viewing and to start using TV-accessible households instead.
Mergers & Acquisitions
NewsNet Parent Snaps Up L.A. LPTVs
His family-owned Golden Media Inc. in Cheyenne, Wyo., owns and operates The Cheyenne Post.
Salem Fears Doom for Religious Radio if FCC Kills Subcaps
Exactly how far the FCC rolls back radio ownership limits is yet to be seen, if it does at all; but one group owner with a vested interest in AM radio is making a compelling argument to maintain the current subcap formula.
Rethinking Radio Station Swag in Light of Social Identity
Lately, I've been diving into the world of community building. While many companies, especially in the tech industry, have had Community Managers on their payrolls for years, this role has historically been viewed as having a customer support function.
This Week in Regulation for Broadcasters: March 20 to March 25, 2023
Here are some of the regulatory developments of significance to broadcasters from the past week, with links to where you can go to find more information as to how these actions may affect your operations.
Another Setback In Florida Broadcaster’s Decade-Long Fight To Sign-On New FM.
The Federal Communications Commission has once again rejected an attempt to revive a decade-old plan to build a new FM west of the Gainesville, FL market.
FCC Report 3/26: Three Translator Licenses Cancelled For Not Existing
The FCC is once again opening a proceeding to revoke the license of Durlyn Broadcasting Company’s AC “Magic 95.9” WPNC-FM Plymouth NC for failure to pay delinquent regulatory fees and associated interest, administrative costs, and penalties owed to the agency.
Cut Units & Grow Revenue (Yes, I'm a Programmer!)
Let me start by saying I am not a radio sales expert. As a long-time programmer, I like commercials. They are helpful to listeners, keeping them aware of products and services they use and need.
Want To Sell More Radio? Get Heavy
Maybe you saw the recent news that radio’s audience outpaced TV for the first time in media history. So how does radio sales capitalize on that? You have to get ‘heavy.’