
How Nielsen’s Proposed PPM Adjustments Will Impact AM/FM Vs. TV.
Nielsen’s recently announced intention to change the formula for quarter-hour credit for stations in Portable People Meter markets — changing the required listening time from five to three minutes to gain AQH credit — would potentially impact listening trends and AM/FM radio’s effectiveness as an ad medium, according to an analysis of Nielsen data in Westwood One’s weekly blog.

FCC Officials Get Firsthand Tour On Radio Recovery From Helene
Seventeen radio stations remain off the air in four states in the Southeast from Hurricane Helene as of Monday morning (Oct. 7), more than a week after the storm.
BIA: Auto Ad Growth for Radio in 2025
Some operators are growing concerned over slowing Automotive ad spend in 2024. However, the sector is poised for a strong rebound in 2025 as auto brands return to capitalize on AM/FM. That’s according to BIA Advisory Services.
As Hurricanes Rage, New NAB PSAs Call for Action on AM Radio
As the Gulf Coast braces for its second major hurricane in as many weeks, radio continues to play an unwavering role in civil defense.
Early 2025 Forecast Sees Radio Widen Ratings Lead Over TV
Over the past five years, AM/FM radio has steadily overtaken linear television in ratings, surpassing TV for the first time in 2022 and growing in 2023.
Center for Digital Democracy Report Cites CTV Privacy Dangers
In a 48-page report, the Center for Digital Democracy cast a critical eye on the rapidly growing connected TV industry, noting that with the rise of AI and ad-supported streaming channels, TV viewers’ privacy is being threatened like never before.
FCC Gives Broadcasters Impacted By Hurricanes More Time; DIRS Activated In Florida.
For broadcasters recovering from Hurricane Helene and preparing for the impact of Hurricane Milton, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is giving them some breathing room on one paperwork requirement.