
Webinar: 2025 Radio Revenue Outlook
The story for Radio in 2025 sounds very similar to the story for Radio for the past 10 years: over-the-air revenues will continue to decline as digital revenues grow. That’s not news or newsworthy for anyone familiar with Radio. Overall, BIA is forecasting Radio OTA will account for $10 Billion of the $171 Billion that will be spent on local advertising in 2025.

$2.8 Billion OTT Market Opens New Doors for Radio Ad Sellers
One of BIA Advisory Services’ top revenue opportunities for radio sellers is looking even more promising one month into 2025.
Nielsen to stop selling panels-only ratings data by Q4
The company will push customers toward its "Big Data & Panel" product and other measurement solutions.
Perspective: How Radio Can Power The ‘Keep it Local’ Movement.
A “shop local” movement is gaining traction across the U.S., and savvy sellers are taking note. It’s a consumer-driven trend that calls for people to support local businesses to strengthen communities and stimulate local economies.
Broadcast Radio Has A Big Influence On N.Y. Tri-State Auto Buyers
New data showcasing the United States’ largest radio market demonstrates how influential broadcast radio is to the automotive industry — even in a metropolitan area where mass transit and ride-share services are often the common mode of transportation.
Why Streaming Is Struggling to Deliver Personalization
The rise of connected TV has introduced a new era of opportunity for advertisers, marrying the precision of digital targeting with the immersive power of television.
This Week in Regulation for Broadcasters: January 20, 2025 to January 24, 2025
Here are some of the regulatory developments of significance to broadcasters from the past week, with links to where you can go to find more information as to how these actions may affect your operations.
Supreme Court Again Weighing FCC’s Interpretative Authority
The Supreme Court could again limit the FCC’s interpretative authority, continuing a trend set by last year’s ruling that ended “Chevron deference.” Last week, the high court heard arguments examining whether district courts must adhere to FCC elucidations.
Trump's FCC chairman resurrects bias complaints against ABC, NBC, CBS
President Trump’s pick to lead the Federal Communications Commission, Brendan Carr, was widely expected to make life more difficult for media organizations that weren’t aligned with the commander in chief’s agenda.
FCC’s Ability To Conduct Spectrum Auctions Still on Hold
The Federal Communications Commission’s authority to auction unused spectrum expired almost two years ago and Congress has failed to extend it.